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Business Opportunities

The Bradford Regional Airport encompasses over 1,050 acres located in the center of McKean County. Around 500 acres are used for air operations, leaving the remaining 550 acres suitable for development. With public utilities and infrastructure in place, KOZ benefits, access to State Route 59 and its close proximity to US Route 219; the facility has become the place for future business development.


The airport campus is currently home to the PA National Guard, Minard Run Oil Co, The Pennsylvania State Police Barracks, AE Resources Inc and more.  Additional shovel ready building sites will be available soon.

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Space Available Today

14,000 sq ft KOZ site includes one office and a restroom. 16x16 overhead doors, loading dock and 20' ceilings.

Additional Information listed below.

McKean County site

Space available

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Working Together to

Develop the Region

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bradford airport
McKean County Development

Cells 3 & 4 Available Now

Cells 3 & 4 Available Now!


Cell 2 now leased thru 2026

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14,000 under lease thru 2026

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The Wilds Commerce Park

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A new access road leads into our 8 acre Wilds Commerce Park.  This new business park has 3 building sites varying in size each in a Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ).  For more information please view our prospectus or contact the the airport at 814.368-5928 x10 or via email 

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Wilds Commerce Park, Bradford Airport, McKean County, Land Available

Keystone Opportunity Zones

This program provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop land with greatly reduced state and local taxes. Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZs) reflect a true sense of partnership among state and local taxing bodies, school districts, economic development agencies and community-based organizations.

Keystone Opportunity Zones are such a breakthrough idea that Business Facilities magazine calls them โ€œthe number one economic development strategy in the nation.โ€ By eliminating specific state and local taxes within specific underdeveloped and underutilized areas, communities within Pennsylvania are experiencing economic growth and investment. Since the KOZ programโ€™s inception in 1999, it has led to the creation of new jobs and produced capital investment in real estate. 

Tax Liability

Binding ordinances and resolutions were passed granting the waiver, abatement or exemption of certain state and local taxes. Depending on the situation, the tax burden may be reduced to zero through exemptions, deductions, abatements, and credits for the following:

  • State Taxes: Corporate Net Income Taxes, Capital Stock & Foreign Franchise Tax, Personal Income Tax, Sales & Use Tax, Bank Shares and Trust Company Shares Tax, Alternative Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax, Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax, Insurance Premiums Tax

  • Local Taxes: Earned Income/Net Profits Tax, Business Gross Receipts, Business Occupancy, Business Privilege and Mercantile Taxes, Local Real Property Tax, Sales and Use Tax

Length of Tax Relief

Zones expire 10 years from the date of occupancy. Please check with the specific Zone Coordinator for each property deadline.

Number of Zones

There are 12 regional Keystone Opportunity Zones. Each KOZ is administered through the same local community or economic development agency.


  • Properties selected as KOZs have generated minimal state and local taxable revenue. The KOZ designation is expected to attract development where little or no activity existed beforehand. This development may produce spin-off taxable activity outside the designated zone.

  • Future taxes are anticipated.


The Department of Community and Economic Development provides the organizational framework, including the certification and operations of KOZs. Local jurisdictions designate coordinators as a single point of contact for zone facilitation.

Priority Considerations

Projects in Keystone Opportunity Zones receive priority consideration for assistance under state community and economic development programs as well as community building initiatives. Projects in designated KOZs that are approved for Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) or Small Business Financing shall receive the lowest interest rate extended to borrowers.

Conference Room

The Bradford Regional Airport has meeting space available to rent by the hour or day. Conveniently located in the terminal, you can hold your meeting or conference without even leaving airport grounds.

Hourly rental is $50, Day Rates also available.


Other features of the meeting space include: 

1(814) 368-5928

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